Are You Blooming Where You're Planted?

April 29, 2020

Are You Blooming Where You're Planted?

Hey Good People!  👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾

🌻 I hope this post finds you healthy, in good spirits and blooming.  How have your last few weeks been?  Emotional?  Busy?  Boring?  Crafty?  Educational?  Full of food?  Work?  🗃  Same here.  I promise we are all going through most of these phases and more, together.  In fact, if you’ve found yourself struggling to focus, I have an essential oil remedy for that, peppermint.  Need an extra energy boost, add lemon and/or orange.

💡 In every uncomfortable situation I'm in, I try to find a lesson, so today, let’s try making the uncomfortable, comfortable.  In fact, let’s try making it, enjoyable.  Ask yourself, what can be learned from this?  How can I use this time to my benefit making it work for me?  So in that spirit, here are three things I’ve learned (so far) during this quarantine.

1️⃣  It's okay to take a break.  🛋 In the beginning, many of my friends were really focused on staying busy and staying productive, but I simply could not.  I thought something was wrong with me.  Thought maybe my creative juices were failing me.  The truth was, I was really emotionally overwhelmed.  And the kicker was, so was my daughter.  Things have changed for everyone so drastically and so quickly that many of us did not have time to process or understand it.  If you need downtime, 🛌 emotional rest time, take it and don’t feel bad about it.  Once your mind and body are rested, you can attack projects and goals refreshed and with new ideas.

2️⃣  A charcoal grill is your friend.  🥩  I must confess, I'd always been afraid to learn to use a grill.  We’re doing a lot of cooking and baking 🍰 but we still needed more options.  Cue in Weber and Kingsford to the rescue!  Fear demolished!  Do you have a fear that you can conquer at your own pace right now?  Maybe it’s just something you’ve always wanted to learn to do but never had the time.  Woodworking, sewing, gardening…. Guess what???  Now’s the time!  GO FOR IT!  Break out that garage full of stuff and get to work.  Then take a selfie and post it!  🤳🏽

3️⃣  We need fresh air and sunshine to grow.  ☀️ Although it's called quarantine, we are not actually forced to stay IN the house.  We can still go for walks.  And in my neighborhood, there are beautiful trails with ponds and fountains ⛲️ nearby.  Are you tuned in to your emotional health right now?  It is amazing what fresh air in your lungs and a bit of sunshine on your face can do.  It can calm, soothe, refresh and energize you.  Get out there and go for a stroll.  I promise, it’ll do ya good.

🏡  What lessons are you learning through all of this?  What have you learned about yourself?  Is your patience being tested?  Are you resting?  🚴🏽‍♀️  Exercising?  Learning a language?  Learning a new 🧼 hobby?  What obstacles are you overcoming?  Are you blooming where you’re planted?  I’d love to hear from you so drop a line in the comments below!


Until next time,


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